Saturday, June 9, 2007

煤氣賬單Gas Bill

我今日收到好煤氣單,嘩!!! 我居然要交500元煤氣費!!!! 我心想:我一個人住也用了這麼煤氣,簡直難以置信!!! 然後我再仔細地看,才發現原來我因為沒有按時報錶,所以煤氣公司多計了我的用量...從4月的讀數3984到它估計6月的4025,足足是41度煤氣,但實際呢?請 看上圖,其實只是3988而已...正確來說,我兩個月內只用了4度,只是它估計的十分一.但最無奈的還是我沒有辦法拒絕繳費,煤氣公司只會於下期賬單扣 除多繳的金額.我粗略地估計我大約可以少交近2年的煤氣費.GOD!!!!

I have just got a bill from Towngas. Oh!!!! It's totally $500 for these two months.... but I was wondering why. I'm living on my own from March. I shouldn't consume that much.

When I read the bill closely, I found it was over-estimated how much that I have consumed.
It's 10 times over what I really consumed for last two months. I MUST pay the amount shown in the bill this time. Towngas will not refund the amount that I have over-paid. That amount will be used to pay for the next bill. However, I over-paid too much this time. I think I won't need to pay the bill for next 2 years.