Saturday, August 4, 2007

My little baby niece again

I have been HURT for a week, because my little niece didn't recognize me. She is almost half year old now. No one realised that she started recognizing people around her; meanwhile, I haven't visited her for about a month(that's my fault for sure..... >_<).

When I visited her last Saturday, she cried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because she completely had no idea who I was. Then I visited her again on last Sunday and last Wednesday. She still cried when she saw my face(She has recognized my dad(her grandpa), my mom(her grandma), my brother and my sister-in-law(of course, they're her parents)).... She simply don't remember me~~~

Today, I visited her again this evening. She cried. Even I tried to play with her, she still cried.... I fed her milk at around 6:30 pm and she drank(of course, she'd no choice at all).

She tried to "run away" from me after finishing her milk. About 15 minutes later, I played with her again. She was still so alert to me at the begining. But, then after a few more minutes, she smiled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I played with her for awhile. She didn't cry any more. Then she went to bed before our dinner.
I really don't know whether she still recalls my face tomorrow or not!!!!!!!! But I will VISIT her again tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't let her to forget me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's my GOAL!!!!! a stupid goal....

Friday, August 3, 2007

Time off with Wii

I'm taking time-off today. I woke up at 9:30 this morning and started playing Wii. However it seems not able to save data in my SD card. I need to figure it out with my Esther's brother later.

Wii Wii Viola

I BOUGHT a Wii tonight which I dreamt of!!!!!
I've just tried "Cooking Mama" and "Biohazard 4"!!!!
But, I must to stop it now because I have promised to do so!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007


今天我跟坐在附近的同事一起離開,我差一點連命也弄丟了... 笑到死...


Transformers 觀後感

臨近放工的時間又跟附近的同事談論Transformers的劇情.第一,當然是劇中的部份爛gag,例如來自芬蘭的Nokia電話,大家不約而同地為自己的健忘劣筋性安上一個合理的藉囗,那就是如果有一天發現電話,在你一覺醒來之後不見了的話,一定是它自己”跑”了!!! 還有會劃出4條花痕必定是X-men的Wolverin,而不是A Nightmare on Elm Street的Freddy.
而且,大家也認為Optimus Prime的描寫不足,相反Bumblebee的性格反而突出有趣,不過我們都認為下一集將會好一點吧(以成本效益來計算,機械人的models已做好,最多只需加添反角,便又可以拍成第二集了)。
還有,其中一幕我跟另一位同事也都十分喜歡(其實滿搞笑),那就是當Bumblebee不滿意Sam他們嫌棄他殘舊的時候,Bumblebee一怒之下趕了Sam跟Mikaela下車,還轉成為一部全新的跑車,那一幕的背景音樂頓時換了一首極cult的出場音樂.我在戲院看到這一塲戲簡直冒出汗來了^_^:: ~~
至於Megatron的滅亡,又是被丟進水裡...即使不是水,大部份的”拯救地球的A級片”也離不開是熔岩,如LOR3: Return of the King的魔戒,Alien3中懷孕的Ripley,Terminator2的Terminator又是掉進熔岩,真的點老土...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I finally watched "Transformers" in UA Windsor at 10:10 pm. My colleague watched it on the opening night. I was SO EXCITED to watch it!!!! My colleague is also the expert in production and post-production. He appreciated so much the amazing visual effects in this movie.
Most of the theatres were FULL in the last weekend. I couldn't buy the tickets online because there were only some separated seats in the first 3 rows.

Monday, July 30, 2007

FULL moon

I saw a BIG FULL MOON tonight on my way to Sai Kung. The moon is really BIG!!!!!!!!!! I took the top-left photo on the car(which is moving). The top-right one was just a moon, but it looked very small.... because I took this with my 2 mega-pixels camera in my mobile phone.