Thursday, June 21, 2007

Grad Show 1st DAY: setting up + fashion show

These are the 3D prints that made in Electronic Engineering Department. They're about 5-6 inches height.

These are the pictures taken during the Fashion Show today. The models are so professional and pretty(but some are not, hehe!). This is the first time that I see a real fashion show. I don't remember why I didn't watch it last year in Graduation Show.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

DragonBoat in DB


我拍這張照片,因為上面寫的「名店倉 有男裝」,實在太奇怪,雖說購物是女性的專利,所以為了要吸引男顧客,作了這一句非常差的標語。
I took this picture because the wording on this banner is really odd. But it's Chinese only. (It's pointless to translate into English. It's FUN because these six Chinese characters) 名店倉 有男裝

I love this picture very much、of course、it's because of this blonde kid.

我們走到大白灣看龍舟, 但因為太熱, 和熱騰騰的沙都跑進我的鞋時, 逼我要把鞋脫掉, 然後到沙灘淺水的地方澗水, 這樣, 才稍為降溫.
Barefoot! But these are not my feet!!!! Haha!

沙灘穿著整齊,色彩較鮮艷的必然是參賽倢隊伍, 其他的都是圍觀的市民, 大白灣雖小, 但人的數目亦不少呢!!
Tai Pak Wan in DB - 1 There are many people on this side because it's close to the dragonboat race.

Tai Pak Wan in DB - 2 On the other side、less people are here. We have talked around here. However、the sand is EXTREMELY HOT~~~~ We put off our shoes and waded into the water. It's SO RELAXING!!

Dragonboat race

四周也擠滿人,連廣場內的所有的食肆也不例外,走到不同的地方也找不到空位,但又不想在炎炎夏日的天氣買外賣,我們當然希望找到一個室內,有冷氣的餐廳吃飯. 最後我們到了一間名"海灣餐廳"的門口,餐廳設於二樓,門外亦沒有擺放著餐牌,只好爬上樓梯看看.從門下上一塊小玻璃,我居然看見一隻隻掛起的燒味,而且看見一些吧枱的位置還有部份是空著,便匆匆推門而入.
Lunch at DB, This is not my hand again!

Myself and a dragonboat





Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hand Shakes shakes

雖然辛苦,但最終都可以起水幾秒,對於我這個亳無運動細胞的人而言(我的中學同學便最清楚了),已經十分滿足了。上了水面只有幾秒,又被拉至掉進水裡,嗆到幾口海水,每一次再試之前,也會有人教我怎樣再做得好一點,我完全理解亦知道要怎樣做,但偏偏現實就做不了,因為全部我也忘記得一乾二淨 :P
I tried wakeboarding today (with some professionals. Of course, I'm the very first beginner!!!). This is FUN and EXCITED, but my hands are still sss~~ hh~~~~aaa~~~k~ee~iii~~~~nnnn~~gg~~shaking~~~~~~~~ now~~~~ My hands seems to DISCONNECT with my body. I can't imagine what I will feel tomorrow. I may not do anything because I'm now handicapped. (I have put on the "pain relieving spray" already...)
Anyway, it's happy to have my first try today! I could get out from the water for several SECONDS!!! It's several seconds ONLY!! But it's enough to me now. I totally understood what the professional taught me today... about how to hold handgrip, about how to stand up on the board and about how to balance my body with my legs, etc. Unfortunately, I totally forgot it when I was in the water. Sigh.... let me FOCUS MORE next time~~ hehe, I think I may have the second try~~~

My Little Niece

相片中便我可愛的小姪女「愷澄」,乳名「澄澄」。她現在四個月零兩日大。今日正是父親節,所以Wake完之後便到我哥家吃蛋糕和一家人吃飯(但每次我大哥都不在... 激死)。
My little niece, Hoi-ching, is now 4 months and 2 days old. I went to my brother's house to celebrate "Father's Day" today.

My mom took over 10 pictures for me and Hoi-ching. HOWEVER, this is the ONLY ONE which is LESS out of focus. I kept asking my mom how's the picture after each shoot. My mom said it's ok. She said she could see my face from the LCD monitor... But I know my mom very well. I randomly picked up one photo to preview and found out that is out of focus in fact. My mom said it's clear because she could see my face there. Actually my mom can't distinguish between out of focus and in of focus in that little digital camera monitor.
But, that's ok. At least, I've got ONE here. Hehe.