Wednesday, May 23, 2007




之前,我曾有個想法,不如多讀一個Fine Art的Master Degree吧。原因並不是取其証書,而是希望用「讀書」逼使自己畫畫。始於我從3﹣4歲開始畫畫,不間斷的直至中五(因為當年會考修了Art),之後又停了兩年準備高考。到了大學,我跟朋友一起改畫漫畫,出版同人誌。不過只是一兩年的事而已,大學的功課忙,同人誌的同伴又紛紛入大學,就是這樣,便不知不覺下解散了。如是者,也沒有機會畫畫(其實是懶人的藉口:P,嘻嘻)。


I drew this picture on this Monday. It's still a unfinished piece of work. I hope I can work on it on this Friday.

I am teaching Corel Painter in this semester. Although I wasn't familiar with this software before I taught this course, I insisted to teach it. Why? Of course, I have my reason. If anyone wants to know, please ask me in private. I will tell you then.

I believe this is a good opportunity for me to start drawing again. I love drawing from the bottom of my heart. I learnt drawing when I was 3 or 4. Being an artist was my dream once. How about NOW? I'll prefer to be a renowned animator. I'm still keeping many drawing paraphernalia at my home, but I have already thrown some expired drawing materials away, such as dried watercolors... I still have got an easel. However, it will occupy most of the space in my study room.... I prefer to draw a digital painting because it's CLEAN. I don't need to worry about cleaning up dirty table. That is the major reason that I haven't drawn for a long time. Even I didn't draw for many years, I sketches all the time. I LOVE to sketch during the meeting. HEHE. I shouldn't do that, I know I know.

When I've just completed my Master degree, I was thinking about to take a Fine Art Master course. I think doing assignment is an excellent motivation for me to draw. However, I have to think twice before I take action. Studying a Master degree is really time-consuming, so I need to plan well. I HATE to quit at the middle of the semester.

This drawing is one of my works that I drew in class. I prefer to demonstrate how to use this software by drawing an actual digital painting. The students can also easily see how I apply the colors too.

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